We bring the fight to the defense by aggressively litigating claims – and insurance companies know this.

When is a wrongful death claim possible in Florida?

On Behalf of Scott Marshall Injury Attorneys | June 15, 2022 | Wrongful Death

When someone dies unexpectedly, their passing can leave those who survived with a profound sense of loss and injustice. It is normal and natural for people to look for someone to blame.  In certain scenarios, direct family members of the deceased may have the right to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against a person or ... When is a wrongful death claim possible in Florida?

How do I prove liability in a slip and fall accident at a nightclub?

On Behalf of Scott Marshall Injury Attorneys | April 27, 2022 | Property Injuries

An evening out with friends at your favorite nightclub should never end with a tragedy. Unfortunately, certain hazards can make the establishment perilous to customers. If you slip and fall at your favorite nightclub and suffer injury, you may be able to pursue compensation. Under Florida premises liability laws, nightclub operators are legally required to ... How do I prove liability in a slip and fall accident at a nightclub?

Red-light running accidents: Where does Florida rank?

On Behalf of Scott Marshall Injury Attorneys | April 12, 2022 | Car Accident Injuries

We all know that traffic lights are designed to control the flow of traffic and prevent vehicles from crashing into each other. In theory, if a traffic light is present and functional, there should be zero auto accidents. But this isn’t reality. Traffic lights are not physical barriers. Instead, it’s up to individual drivers to ... Red-light running accidents: Where does Florida rank?

Understanding non-economic losses in a Florida wrongful death claim

On Behalf of Scott Marshall Injury Attorneys | February 9, 2022 | Wrongful Death

Those in Florida affected by a sudden and tragic death caused by the negligence of an individual or entity may be able to file what’s known as a “wrongful death” lawsuit. A wrongful death claim helps provide justice and compensation for surviving family members in two different ways. Accountability and compensation The first is about ... Understanding non-economic losses in a Florida wrongful death claim

Does premise liability include injuries from an assault?

On Behalf of Scott Marshall Injury Attorneys | January 27, 2022 | Property Injuries

Most people don’t know much about premises liability, which is the legal and financial responsibility a property owner or business owner has for people who get hurt while visiting. The average property owner carries homeowner’s insurance to protect themselves, and businesses often carry premises liability policies to protect them from the same risks. Beyond that, ... Does premise liability include injuries from an assault?