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Is a cluttered workplace an injury risk?

On Behalf of Scott Marshall Injury Attorneys | May 4, 2022 | Workers’ Compensation

When workers consider their injury risks, many think of major injuries that stem from handling heavy machinery or slipping and falling off a ladder. And these are certainly major risks that a lot of workers face on a daily basis, but it’s important to note that even the small things can cause injury.

For instance, a workplace that is too cluttered and dirty could increase the likelihood of injury. Simply organizing or removing stuff from walkways doesn’t seem like it’s that important, but it can and does cause harm.

Potential inconspicuous hazards at work

Some of these issues could be seriously problematic if there’s an emergency. For instance, if there’s a fire or a gas leak in the workplace and the emergency doors are blocked with boxes and machinery, workers will not be able to exit quickly enough.

Clutter can also create major trip hazards. If power tools are left on the floor and someone trips over them while they’re carrying a heavy load, they could be severely injured in a fall or hurt their back simply trying to balance the load. Slipping and falling from the top of a staircase because of a small box or item placed there is another hazard.

Leaving a power tool on the floor or box near an exit may seem harmless, but failing to clean up clutter has unnecessarily put workers in the hospital and away from work.

Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits are available to those who sustain injuries during the scope of working on the job. Such benefits not only help pay for the cost of medical expenses but also with lost wages that workers are unable to earn while they are recovering.

Those worried about the process or repercussions they may face by their employer if they decide to apply for benefits are encouraged to reach out to an attorney familiar with the workers’ comp process.